We are pleased to announce that thanks to the hard work of Rep. Jim Haddock and Senator Marty Flynn, the City of Pittston and City of Pittston Redevelopment Authority have received the following funds for the listed projects:
Pittston City Redevelopment Authority -- $500,000 to construct an office building to house the Redevelopment Authority and Housing Authority in Pittston. In 2021, the RDA and HA began the process of consolidating staff and services, however, the two authorities have separate office locations. To improve functionality, efficiency, and public access, the project will construct modern offices for the co-location of both authorities. The main offices on the second floor will include four offices, a boardroom, reception area, a "bullpen area" for cubicles, restrooms, kitchen and related items. Additional office space will be constructed at the rear of the first floor for future growth or related entities and a file storage will be constructed in the basement.
Pittston City -- $200,000 on behalf of Lincoln Heights Corp., to be used toward replacing deteriorated, single-pane windows with new energy-efficient windows at the Lincoln Heights Senior Housing Facility. Deteriorated asphalt sidewalks along the building's frontage will also be replaced.
To view the full press release and see what other funding was awarded, please click here: https://www.pahouse.com/Haddock/InTheNews/NewsRelease/?id=135896